Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Textbook Reflections: Chapter Two- Divisions of Young People's Literature

It is important for readers to understand the different divisions of genres so that they are able to get their hands on the appropriate reading material. There are four divisions that make up Young People's Literature: Children's Literature, Middle Grade/Tween, Young Adult and New Adult, with Middle School being a sub-section for a certain age level that is sometimes overlooked.

Children's Literature-
This category is intended for 0-8 years old. It consists of wordless picture books, picture books, easy readers, illustrated chapter books and upper range novels.This genre is enjoyed by children and is mainly categorized by the intended age of a reader.

Middle Grade/Tween Literature-
This category is intended for ages 8-12.The narrator is usually third-person.Topics range from family, friendships,bonds, character's life and world. Main literary element tends to be external vs internal. 

Young Adult Literature-
Intended age range is 13-18 years old. Language and vocabulary is higher level. Point of view is usually first person. Topics can range from special topics, self-reflection analyzing life and its meanings, as well as internal/external conflicts. 

New Adult Literature-
Intended age is 18-30 years old. Appeals to adult audiences. Typically deals with new experiences, relationships and such. This genre is similar to Young Adult Literature but content is for older audiences. 

Middle school is not a category, but it is a sub group that is difficult to find reading material for. The intended age is 11-13 years old. It is not the same as middle grade, it deals with issues that are a bit more relevant to students, with special topics and tougher issues. 

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