Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Textbook Reflections: Chapter Seven- Literary Elements

In literature there are certain basic elements that most writers tend to rely on. Stories must have a setting in which the story takes place, characters (people or animals in the story), a theme or overall message, the plot-which is the action that makes up the story, stories must have a protagonist (main character) and they usually also have an antagonist (the person or force working against the protagonist). Furthermore, a story also usually contains a conflict (problem or issue that needs to be resolved), and will create a mood (evoke a certain feeling from the reader as a result from the story) and finally the tone or writer’s attitude toward the subject or topic being discussed.

It is of the utmost important to know the basic terms in literature, in order to be able to evaluate literature. The following are basic definitions for the Literary Devices:
Hyperbole- a purposeful exaggeration
Metaphor-comparing two unlike thing without using like or as, one of the most common literature terms
Simile-comparing two things using like or as, one of the most commonly used term in literature
Allusion-alluding to a famous person or work, usually done to compare or establish credibility
Imagery- words or phrases that the writer uses to appeal to the reader’s senses, this helps you imagine the scenarios
Point of view- the perspective from which the story is being told (there are four basic POV)
Symbolism- is when a person, place, thing or idea are used to represent or symbolize something and allegory is a symbolic device
Motifs-are things or ideas repeated through the story as a symbolic reference, as well as an archetype
Deus ex machine-an implausible concept for the purpose of resolving a conflict

Focus on: Theme is a very important term, the theme is a message stated or suggested by the author, it must be stated in a complete sentence, must be a truism, it is not necessarily singular, and it has to be something that can be demonstrated based from the text.

Reflecting on this chapter as an English Teacher, it is always great to review and make sure that one understands how to explain the literary terms and devices in the simplest manner possible. In the school that I teach in, we have a LEP Population of 52%, so I have learn to explain in a clear and concise manner. As for how the content in this chapter will affect me, it had a very positive effect, it is always good to refresh on terms and can be used to compare and contrast when evaluating YA Literature.

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